Rainbow Six Wiki
Rainbow Six Wiki

The AKS-74U is a carbine assault rifle manufactured by Kalashnikov Concern (formerly Izhmash) that chambers the 5.45x39mm round. It is a shortened version of the AKS-74, itself a folding stock variant of the AK-74 assault rifle. The GRAU Index identifies the weapon as the 6P26.

The AKS-74U is categorized as an assault rifle in the Rainbow Six universe.


Caveira Icon

Cut content
The subject of this article, AKS-74U, has been cut from the final version of a Rainbow Six game.

The AK74SU is a cut weapon from Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Lockdown.

In the PC version of the game, the AK74SU is only present within the game files.

Vegas 2[]

The AKS-74U is a weapon featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2.

Weapon Attachments[]



Vegas 2[]

  • The AKS-74U in-game is a shortened model of the AK-47, but altered slightly to differ the two. These changes are a shorter barrel, a flash hider, folding stock, and relocated sights. This firearm actually has the unique stamped receiver of the Type I AK-47 model in-game too.
  • In the "New Weapons" trailer for the game, it claimed that the AKS-74U chambered 7.62x39mm. This is incorrect because the AKS-74U actually chambers the 5.45x39mm round instead. This may have been fixed, because the AKS-74U does not share the same ammo as the AK-47 in-game.