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Archæans is s Codex featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Extraction. It is unlocked by default.


Archaeans Codex

INDEX Analysis:
Archeans are complex organisms found within Chimera biomes. Operators have encountered many different variants. They appear to be composed of Chimera cells but exact composition is unknown. (INSERT: A. de Luca - "I shot it to hell and it iust all melted into a puddle of that gunk!")

Several Archean variants are partially protected by carapace. Highly resistant to damage. Typically shielding a particularly vulnerable area. (Query: Weak Point)

Many variants are capable of alerting other nearby Archeans. Auditory component: Confirmed. Pheromonal or chemical component: Requires more data. (QUERY: Howl + tactical implications)

Theorizing on neutralization and subsequent dissolution: Samples of remains indicate undifferentiated Sprawl colonies. Possibly a secondary propagation mechanism. (INSERT: Finka - That seems likely. I'Il set-up a study.)

Expanding on tactical implications of Archæan 'Howl': If possible, engage and neutralize before they can alert other nearby Archæans.

Archeans can be neutralized by inflicting massive damage.

ADDENDUM: An Archæan will fragment into its component molecules (QUERY: "Obliterate") if Weak Point is damaged. (Net result: limit propagation- no Sprawl puddle)
