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Blinding Spore Carriers is a Codex entry featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Extraction. It is unlocked by starting an incursion with the Blinding Spore Carrier mutation active.


Blinding Spore Carriers Codex

INDEX Analysis:
This Chimera mutation manifest as bulbous growths on various motile Archaeans. The growths have been identified as Blinding Spores. (INSERT: Hibana - They look even more strange covered with those things.)

The growths exhibit similar behavior to static Blinding Spores and do no inhibit carrier abilities. (Cross-Ref: ongoing biomechanical and trait analyses of Archaeans)

Blinding Spores do not detonate while attached to Archeans. They will transfer host if approached and subsequently detonate and release a cloud of noxious gas.

Archeans have been observed emerging from Nests with spores attached. Suggests an adapted mutation, not a chance occurrence (ie/ spores attached to passing Archæan).

Speculating on mutation evolution: May be an enhanced active-propagation mechanism for the Chimera organism. Archæan mobility allows for faster spread of spores. Requires further study. (INSERT: Mira - That's a likely scenario. We need to determine what else these Blinding Spores are for.)

Approaching Carrier Archeans will trigger the spore's proximity sensors causing it to throw out tendrils of Sprawl and attach itself to the Operator. Engage from a distance.
