A breaching hammer (or dynamic hammer) is a tool used by military and law enforcement to force open a door which is locked or otherwise not able to be opened. The common sledge hammer can fill the same purpose, and was used by military and police forces before the adoption of purpose-built breaching hammers.
It is a gadget featured in several installments of the Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Franchise.
- "A state of the art breaching tool with a lightweight design and a special alloy head gives it an extra bang for demolishing door locks. The Breaching Hammer cannot open fused doors."
— In-game description
The Hammer is a gadget featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Lockdown.
In the PC version of the game, the Hammer is part of the standard gadget set of Eddie Price and Ayana Yacoby. The Hammer is only available in the singleplayer portion of the game.
Critical Hour[]
- "A state of the art breaching hammer allows fast dynamic door breaching."
— In-game description
The Hammer is a gadget featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Critical Hour.
Siege & Mobile[]
The Tactical Breaching Hammer, also known as The Caber, is a gadget featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege and Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Mobile. It is a unique gadget available to Sledge. The gadget functions in a similar manner to past installments.
The Breaching Hammer can breach through almost all non-reinforced surfaces and barricades with relative silence. Because of this, Sledge is able to bust through walls, floors, and barricades with a silent yet aggressive pace.
- The Breaching Hammer creates a rectangular hole on surfaces it strikes.
- The Breaching Hammer behaves as if it deals explosive damage; it can destroy many bulletproof gadgets, such as Barbed Wire, Deployable Shields, Castle's Armor Panels, Azami's Kiba Barriers, Bulletproof Camera and Maestro's Evil Eyes.
- The Breaching Hammer has a limited durability of twenty-five charges, shown by a bar above the hammer's gadget icon. Breaching a wall consumes two charges while breaching a barricade and hitting anything else (including flooring) takes one. Environmental props count as one hit.
- The Hammer can't break through non-destructible surfaces or a Reinforced Wall - attempting to do so will only consume durability.
- Sledge's breaching hammer is capable of killing enemies in one hit, which counts as 2 charges.
- Like other gadgets in the game, Sledge takes a moment to unequip his hammer after using it. This half second delay will leave him vulnerable, but only for a short period.
- The Breaching Hammer needs to be fairly close to a wall in order to destroy both sides of the wall. Roughly within a 1 meter distance. If not, the Hammer will only break the external surface, leaving the internal one intact. This necessitates a second swing, delaying breach and wasting the Breaching Hammer's durability.
- This also applies to floors, as Sledge needs to be a fair amount close to destroy both sides of the floor.
The Tactical Breaching Hammer, also known as The Caber, returns as a gadget in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Extraction. It remains a unique gadget available for Sledge and function in a similar manner as its counterpart in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege.
The Breaching Hammer can breach through almost all non-reinforced surfaces such as walls and floor hatches with relative ease and silence. Offensively, it can be used to stun most enemies, giving the player or their teammates time to dispatch them. Reaching level 10 will allow Sledge to make charged strikes that will enable him to stun Tormentor and Smasher Archæan types, leaving their weak points exposed.
- The Breaching Hammer creates a rectangular hole on surfaces it strikes.
- The Breaching Hammer has an unlimited number of charges.
- The Hammer can't break through non-destructible surfaces or a Reinforced Wall
- Sledge takes a moment to unequip his hammer after using it. This half second delay will leave him vulnerable, but only for a short period.
- The Breaching Hammer needs to be fairly close to a wall in order to destroy both sides of the wall. Roughly within a 1 meter distance. If not, the Hammer will only break the external surface, leaving the internal one intact. This necessitates a second swing, delaying breach and wasting the Breaching Hammer's durability.
- This also applies to floors, as Sledge needs to be a fair amount close to destroy both sides of the floor.
- The Breaching Hammer's name, "The Caber", refers to a type of roughly trimmed tree trunk used in the Scottish Highland sport of "tossing the caber", which involves holding the tree trunk upright, running forward and then tossing it so that it lands on the opposite end.
- The Caber is frequently used in marketing for the game, especially for the Six Invitational. A real-life Caber also serves as the trophy for the champions of the tournament.