Chimera Fog is a Codex entry featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Extraction. It is unlocked by starting an incursion with the Chimera Fog mutation active.
INDEX Analysis:
Periodically, the Chimera ecosystem in an area produces a gaseous cloud released by colonies of Sprawl cells. Activation signal is unknown.
Results in decreased visibility within the area. No other detrimental effects have been observed. (INSERT: Ela - Not seeing the enemy is bad enough, don't you think?)
Gas fraction analysis of atmosphere indicates significant differences from typical terrestrial atmosphere. Contains enough breathable oxygen to sustain human life. Identification of other elements is ongoing but currently appears non-detrimental. (INSERT: Smoke - Currently appears?... Great.)
Speculating on Archean ability to easily navigate in
shrouded environment: Archæan variants appear to
be unaffected by the shroud. Implies vision beyond
visible wavelengths. Possibly other senses.
UNDETERMINED - requires more data.
Theorizing on partial chemical analysis: Chimera Fog contains high concentrations of hydrogen, helium and unidentified hydrocarbons. Approximates atmospheric conditions on gas giants (Saturn, Jupiter). Possible evidence of Chimera "bacterial memory" replicating an alien atmosphere. (INSERT: Mira - It's a stretch, but we've seen stranger things from this organism.)
Reduced visibility requires careful reconnaissance of the environment. Archan variants are unaffected.