"It is my 'open source' journal. All REACT personnel are encouraged to participate in the growth of me/INDEX." — INDEX
The Codex is a feature of Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Extraction. Entries provide further insight into the lore of the game and are broken down into five categories: REACT, Operators, Protocols, Chimera Ecosystem, and Chimera Threat.
Codex entries are unlocked by achieving development milestones, completing Studies, starting incursions with mutations active, or by completing objectives. The game currently features a total of 105 Codex Entries.
The game's official Twitter account has posted several Codex entries that are not listed in-game.
Soyuz Capsule
Crashed in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico. Established as source of first Parasite outbreak through patient zero: Brooks, Boyd. Data suggests capsule as part of a cancelled lunar program [probability: 75.6%].
Following events in New Mexico, Dr. Elena María Álvarez (aka Mira) searched for other Chimera strains. Possible match found on mutated cow in Tidworth, UK. Results inconclusive due to tainted sample.
Advanced AI developed by [Redacted – Classified Information company under Dr. Elena María Álvarez' directive. Main functions: Gather, classify, and analyze scientific material.
The Rainbow Exogenous Analysis and Containment Team. An independent branch of Rainbow. Budget for team validated upon presentation of substantial evidence of dormant Chimera strains found by Dr. Elena María Álvarez.
A repurposed freighter and current main base of operations for REACT. Permanent staff includes military and scientific personnel. Assigned head of mission: Eliza Cohen (aka Ash) with clearance level: REACT Nightmare Black.
[Warning: Ongoing Development – Data Subject to Change] Chimera parasite outbreak was identified at this location. All REACT personnel were immediately reassigned to assess situation. Emergency Level: Dragon. Containment underway by Jordan Trace.
[Warning: Ongoing Development – Data Subject to Change] The first autonomous motile Chimera identified. Human host not required. Parasite entities grow in embryos (aka Nests) and made of volatile biofilm (aka Sprawl).