Rainbow Six Wiki
Rainbow Six Wiki

Crisis 01: Spillover is a Codex featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Extraction. It was unlocked for all players at the conclusion of the Spillover event.


Crisis Protocol and massive mobilization efforts were effective. Sprawl Colonies are manageable in Hot-Zones. REACT has learned that the Parasite Mutations work as a chaotic system, making a Crisis impossible to predict.

The data collected from our Crisis Studies have shed light on the main function of this unprecedented mutation: Colonies acted as energy clusters, empowering the Sprawl to change into a more resistant form. Its secondary function, to its full extent, would have normalized the generation of overwhelming swarms of Archæans, favoring offensive characteristics to compromise Hot-Zone containment.

The Crisis Protocol and Studies helped control the behavior and document the phenomenon. Nonetheless, REACT must prepare in case other Parasite Mutations of this scale were to happen. Even with precise calculations, we can't predict a Crisis a few days in advance since the mutations appear to work as a chaotic system, sensitive to subtle stimuli.
