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Rainbow Six Wiki

The Demolitions Kit is a gadget features in several installments of the Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Franchise.

Rainbow Six[]

The Demolitions Kit is a gadget featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six.

This kit speeds both the placing and disarming of explosives. It contains basic electrical diagnostic equipment along with the essential mechanical tools needed to perform the job. Extra primer, detcord, and a variety of adhesives complete the kit.

Rogue Spear[]

The Demolitions Kit is a gadget featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear.

Raven Shield[]

The Demo Kit is a gadget featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield.

This kit speeds both the placing and disarming of explosives. It contains basic electrical diagnostic equipment along with the essential mechanical tools needed to perform the job. Extra primer, detcord and a variety of adhesives complete the kit. You do not have to equip this item as it is used automatically when you place or disarm a bomb.
