Rainbow Six Wiki
Rainbow Six Wiki

The Desert Eagle is a semi-automatic pistol manufactured by IWI (Israel Weapon Industries) and Magnum Research. The weapon can be chambered for either the .50 AE, .44 Magnum, or .357 Magnum cartridges, with a respective magazine capacity of seven, eight, or nine rounds. The Desert Eagle can be chambered for .357 Magnum or .50 AE in the Rainbow Six universe.

The Desert Eagle is categorized as a handgun in the Rainbow Six universe.

Rainbow Six[]

The .50 Desert Eagle is a weapon featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Eagle Watch.

The IMI .50 Desert Eagle is a very powerful handgun. It is capable of punching through body armor, but has a limited 6-round magazine.

Rogue Spear[]

The Desert Eagle is a weapon featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear. The weapon is available in both .357 and .50 calibers in-game. The weapon is carried by important enemy VIP personnel.

Raven Shield[]

The D. Eagle is a weapon featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield. The weapon is available in both .357 and .50 calibers, just like in Rogue Spear. The weapon is named the D. Eagle .50 and D. Eagle .357 in the caliber respectively.

The D. Eagle .50 is arguably the most powerful pistol in the game, mainly due to it's high damage and mediocre accuracy. However, it suffers from poor recovery and low clip size, the latter of which is shared with .357 version. There isn't usually any reason to extend the clip size of the weapon unless stealth is completely disregarded in favor of direct combat, since the weapon can take down most enemies in one or two shots even when silenced.


Rainbow Six 3 & Black Arrow[]

The D. Eagle (.50CAL) is a weapon featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3 (Console). It returns unchanged in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow.


"Developed in America, this pistol chambers a very powerful .357 round making it one of Rainbow's deadliest weapons. Normally the DE 357 uses the High Capacity Magazine attachment."
— In-game description

The DE 357 is a weapon featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Lockdown. It is only available on the PC version of the game.

In-game, the DE 357 is used by the United Fatherland Brigade in the missions Catacombs and Hospital, by the Marxist Radical Front in the missions NATO Summit and Cruise Ship, and by the Global Liberation Front in the missions Estate and Mercenary Base.



The Desert Eagle is a weapon featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas.


Vegas (PSP)[]

The Desert Eagle is a weapon featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas (PSP).

Vegas 2[]

The Desert Eagle is a weapon featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2. Since Vegas 1 and 2 share the same engine and models, the weapon appears in the same configuration as its Vegas 1 counterpart.




".50 caliber pistol, short to medium range hand gun with heavy stopping power and penetration."
— In-game description

The D-50 is a handgun featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege. It was introduced in the Operation Dust Line expansion and is available for use by Blackbeard, Valkyrie, Nøkk, and Azami.[1][2]


A devastating handgun, each shot delivers a huge punch to any operators unlucky enough to be on its receiving end. Landing just two hits during CQC on all armor types are enough to kill them outright. The strong recoil and iron sights, however, limit its usage to close-range encounters.

The weapon also has soft destruction capabilities and can be used to make small holes. This trait is especially useful to Valkyrie, who can establish lines of sight for her cameras.

The Muzzle Brake is an extremely helpful attachment for the D-50, as it lowers the aggressive recoil kick by nearly half.


  • High single shot damage
  • High destruction/penetration


  • High recoil kick per shot
  • Low magazine capacity
  • Low reserve ammo


Under Barrel



Reload (Blackbeard & Valkyrie)[]

Reload (Nøkk)[]

Reload (Golden Gun)[]


Patch Changes[]


This section is currently under construction. It may contain little or inaccurate information.

".50 caliber pistol, short to medium range hand gun with heavy stopping power and penetration."
— In-game description

The D-50 is a handgun featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Mobile. It is available for use by Rook.


Slot Attachment
Side Rail


Rogue Spear[]

  • Despite the two Desert Eagle variants in-game chamber different rounds, they have the same model in-game. This is incorrect because in real life, the Desert Eagle Mark I (.357) has a fluted barrel, while the .50 Desert Eagle Mark XIX variant does not.
  • The description of the .357 Desert Eagle in-game states the weapon to have an incorrect 8 round magazine capacity. While the player holds said weapon, the capacity is of the correct 9 round capacity though.

Vegas 1 & 2[]

  • In the games, the Desert Eagle is modeled after the Desert Eagle Mark I which is chambered in .357 magnum. In the games, the weapon incorrectly holds 7 rounds, suggesting that it is the .50AE Mark XIX. The Desert Eagle Mark I has a 9 round magazine as well.
  • If one equips the "High-Capacity Mag" attachment for this weapon, the capacity changes to 9 rounds which is correct for the Desert Eagle Mark I.


  • Interestingly enough, the D-50 has a different firing sound when playing as Blackbeard or Valkyrie compared to spectating either of them in-game. This bizarre trait is shared with the Super 90 and the P12.
  • This designation used for the Desert Eagle is also used in two other Ubisoft video game franchises (albeit without a dash): Far Cry and Watch Dogs.
  • The most recent model for the D-50 lacks slide serrations.
  • The D-50 is the only available weapon in the limited-time Golden Gun gamemode.
  • Nøkk's reload animations for the D-50 are different from Blackbeard and Valkyrie's. She reloads the weapon in a more linear and uninterrupted way.