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"I've learned from experience that the place to save lives is in the field, not an office. And sometimes the only way to save a life, is to take one."
— Doc

Rainbow Six Siege - Doc's Operator Video

Gustave "Doc" Kateb is a Defending Operator featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege. He features a high armor rating but has low mobility and has the MPD-0 Stim Pistol as his unique gadget, which can revive himself or teammates from a distance when an operator is down, as well as heal teammates.


Kateb grew up in an affluent family, in Paris’ 16th arrondissement. At twenty, he abandoned a potentially prominent private medical practice in favor of a career with the French Defense Health Service. He is certified to practice in ten countries "Doctor's Without Borders"

Psychological Profile

Gustave Kateb is cut from a rare cloth: a genuine altruist, a true believer in making the world a safer place for his fellow man. A volunteer for Doctors Without Borders and medical officer for the Brigade des Forces Speciales Terre, he is a proficient field medic who carries a Stim Pistol allowing him to revive downed teammates from a distance.

Gameplay Description

  • It is best to stick to the team when playing Doc. This way it is easier to quickly revive fallen teammates before they get killed.
  • Doc is also a very efficient Operator in offense, but you have to always stay close to cover. If you go into DBNO (Down But Not Out), try to quickly crawl into cover if possible to avoid getting shot again, then perform a Self-Revive with the Stim Pistol - you'll be able to go back into action right away.
  • Additionally, he can heal himself to give himself more health at a later point or if possible, Overheal to get an additional buff.
  • Doc is a very good complementary operator to Rook: when the Defenders have Rook's armor plates equipped, their chances of going into DBNO and not dying when shot are increased, and Doc can Overheal them for a brief period to give them additional hit points, so Doc can be on the lookout to revive and/or heal his teammates and extend their playing time.[1]
  • Reviving teammates with Doc's Stim Pistol restores 75 points of health rather than the normal 25 or 50 points. As such, it can be a viable tactic to commit slight friendly fire on heavily injured teammates and then revive them in order to restore a large portion of health. When simply healing teammates, Doc can give back 40 points of health. If their health is above 80, Doc can give them a full Overheal, giving them a temporary buff. Anything below that number will have a slightly diminished Overheal.


Unique Gadget
  • Stim Pistol
    MPD-0 Stim Pistol
  • x 3 Stim Shots (PVP)
  • x 5 Stim Shots(Terrorist Hunt)

Loadout Description

A handheld, trigger-operated pistol powered by a pressurized CO2 charge delivering a 1mg dose of epinephrine in a saline solution.

While careful close range medical care is obviously preferable in the case of a major combat injury, fast-paced real world operations require a more flexible approach to treating field casualties. The reviving jolt that Doc administers with expert marksmanship can often spell the difference between mission success and failure when each second is precious.


  • Doc can revive DBNO Attackers, as confirmed by a Youtube test. [2]

Gameplay Video


Concept Art




Patch Changes

