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Extraction Protocol is a Codex featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Extraction. It is unlocked by default.


Extraction Protocol Codex

INDEX Analysis:
Extraction from Chimera-infested environments can only be completed at Extraction Point placed within each Sub-Zone by REACT Operations and Logistics. Part of pre-operation infrastructure installations. (Cross-ref: containment protocols)

Designated areas are identified an Extraction Pod and a REACT extraction net (QUERY: collapsible platform)

The extraction net is composed of interlocking plates of a high-tensile polyfiber composite. Each plate can emit a cloud of nanoparticles that render Chimera cells inert. (Cross-ref: REACT foam, Live Specimen Protocol)

Protocols for extraction ensure the safety of Operators and prevent the spread of infectious material beyond the Containment Zone. (QUERY: PIONEER /Secondarv decontamination protocols)

PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES: Sections E221 - E240: Extraction may be requested at any time during an incursion.

- Operators must call for Extraction using the extraction pod (QUERY: biometric scanner)
- All operators must stand on the extraction net to await extraction platform (INSERT: Jäger - It's a helicopter. Why the fancy words?)
- Standby. Extraction net and personnel will be sterilized with bio-inert nanoparticulates.
- ALL operators must stand on the extraction net when platform arrives or will be considered missing in action. (Cross-ref: MIA Protocol, REACT Foam)