Feral Grunt is a Codex featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Extraction. It was introduced in a patch on March 16th, 2022 and is unlocked by default.
INDEX Analysis:
This erratic variant of the Grunt exhibits reckless behavior and little self-preservation instinct; it rushes headlong into CQB by performing a leaping attack. (QUERY: close-quarters combat)
The Feral Grunt engages combat with two hardened upper limbs. Improved carapace material highly probable. Projectile combat mechanism: Nonexistent.
First mutation to appear within Stress Response Mutation Cluster - A01 (SRMC-A01).
Assessing biomechanical gait analysis: Implies highly developed musculature and spatial awareness to perform wall leaps. Comparable to human parkour to approach target in a non-linear fashion, coupled with a lower profile. Requires more data. (INSERT: Rook - It moves like a crazed athlete, conserving upper body energy for later slash attacks. That's... kind of smart.)
Adoption of "war paint," possibly to signal variance within the Parasite ecosystem. (QUERY: state of frenzy?) Observational study also confirms cephalic area as the probable Weak Point.
Maintain distance. Avoid alerting Feral Grunts. This variant may appear to "separate from the pack" to perform a wall leap, indicating its presence. (INSERT: Gridlock - Like pesky a whack-a-mole.)
Similar to the Grunt, damage to the cephalic area is still the most efficient. (QUERY: "obliteration")