Gateway is an objective featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Extraction. It is available in the third subzone of maps on the Cautious or higher difficulties. It tasks players with defeating a Protean.
Upon entering the subzone, players will be tasked with finding the Singularity, a large spherical object that is typically surrounded by a large number of enemies. Once found, all players must be inside of the area and interact with the pad to release the Singularity. It functions like an airlock or extraction, ie: A majority vote is needed to start a countdown, and a unanimous vote will cause it instantly. This will transport players to a randomly generated arena known as the Singularity and start the fight against an enemy known as a Protean. Entering the Gateway is a point of no return. Players will be unable to extract or revisit the subzone once the Gateway is released. Additionally, any player not within the area around the Gateway during its release with become MIA.
When fighting against the Protean, players will have ten minutes to defeat it before the Singularity will collapse. Should they fail, all players will automatically become MIA. The fight against a Protean will be in two phases. The first phase tasks players with depleting the Protean's shield. Once accomplished, permanent damage can be done to the Protean. Once the damage reaches a certain threshold, the Protean will disappear and call on a swarm of Archæans to attack players. Afterwards, players must deplete the Protean's replenished shield, and finally empty the health bar in order to kill it. If successful, the Protean will explode in a white light and the Incursion will automatically extract all players.
- Upon extracting from the Singularity, Ash may ask if the returning Operators are from their timeline. This could imply that Ash has uncovered evidence of the Multiverse theory.