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Rainbow Six Wiki
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Tori Tallyo Fairous, codename Gridlock, is an Attacking Operator featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege. She is set to be introduced in the Burnt Horizon expansion.[1]


A farm girl from Central Queensland, Tori "Gridlock" Tallyo Fairous learned from an early age that the best way through any hardship is with the help of family. Years spent running the family cattle farm honed her natural leadership skills, but her preferred method for dealing with problems is to get stuck into them herself and to ignore the inevitable paperwork that piles up afterward. Suffice to say, taking on a more formal role as an officer in the SASR hasn’t been one of her top priorities, despite the many attempts made to promote her.[1]


  • A gridlock, synonymous to "deadlock," is a situation where progress is not made, typically between two competing parties. It is also a form of traffic congestion where "continuous queues of vehicles block an entire network of intersecting streets, bringing traffic in all directions to a complete standstill".

