Rainbow Six Wiki
Rainbow Six Wiki
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Hunt is an objective featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Extraction. It tasks players with killing an Elite Archæan.


At the start of the subzone, players are tasked with locating and killing three targeted Archæans. Targeted enemies may located with Recon devices, abilities, or by line-of-sight. Stealth is not required to kill target Archæans but nearby enemies and Nests may be alerted.

Once all three enemies have been killed, an Elite Archæan will spawn. Unlike normal variants, Elites are faster, deal more damage, and have more health. The enemy tier of the Elite will be determined by the difficulty level. While Elites poses much more of a threat than other enemeis, they can still be stunned with REACT Tech, allowing for Takedowns. On rare instances, a Protean will spawn instead of an Elite. Proteans will have all of the same abilities as they do in the Gateway objective but with significantly less health. The objective is complete once the Elite or Protean is killed.

