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This article, Incendiary Grenade, is a stub and may require expansion. Please help out by editing the page.

An incendiary grenade is a group of explosive devices that burn at extremely high temperatures through a violent chemical reaction. Practical uses of grenades of this type include the destruction of munition caches, artillery pieces and vehicles to prevent their use by enemy forces. Often, these grenades consist of compounds involving white phosphorus (WP), thermite or thermate (TH3).

There is a variant of an incendiary grenade that exists in the Rainbow Six universe. This variant is the M34 grenade.

  • The M34 white phosphorus smoke grenade, also known as the Willie Pete, is a dual smoke and incendiary grenade developed for use since the 1950s as a replacement of the earlier M15 white phosphorus grenades during the Vietnam War. One of its main improvements over the M15 was the ability to be used on the M2 grenade launcher attachment system.


"The incendiary and barbaric nature of this grenade requires it to be used with extreme caution as upon detonation it catches everything within its range on fire."
— In-game description

Phosphorus is a grenade featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Lockdown.

In the PC version of the game, the Phosphorus is used by the Global Liberation Front on the mission Castle.

Critical Hour[]

"Also known as the willie pete. The incendiary and barbaric nature of the WP grenade requires extreme caution in it's use."
— In-game description

White Phosphorus is a grenade featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Critical Hour.


"This devastating weapon fills the area with burning white phosphorus."
— In-game description.

The Incendiary Grenade is a gadget featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas.

Vegas 2[]

The Incendiary Grenade is a gadget featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2.

The device kills instantly unless the target is armored where it will instead injure them. It will only kill armored targets if the device hits them directly. The Incendiary grenade also interferes with thermal vision.
