Rainbow Six Wiki
Rainbow Six Wiki
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This article, Laser Sight, is a stub and may require expansion. Please help out by editing the page.

A Laser Sight is a tool to enhance the targeting of other weapon systems. For example, a laser sight is a small, usually visible-light laser placed on a handgun or a rifle and aligned to emit a beam parallel to the barrel. Since a laser beam has low divergence, the laser light appears as a small spot even at long distances; the user places the spot on the desired target and the barrel of the gun is aligned (but not necessarily compensating for bullet drop or the target moving while the bullet travels).

The Laser Sight is a weapon attachment featured in several installments of the Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Franchise.

Vegas 1 & 2[]

"This laser light improves accuracy, but can be seen by nearby enemies."
— In-game description

The Laser Sight is a weapon attachment featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas and Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2.

Shadow Vanguard[]

"The laser sight emits a beam parallel to the barrel for improved target designation, and thus more precise and mobile shooting."
— In-game Description

The Laser Sight is an attachment featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Shadow Vanguard. Once equipped, it improves weapon accuracy.


"Mountable laser sight that increases hip fire accuracy."
— In-game description

The Laser is a weapon attachment featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege. It tightens a weapon's hip fire accuracy and a shotgun pellet's spread by 25%, though it can also reveal a player's position if the red dot emitted from the light is noticed by the opposing team.

The laser originally created a faint but visible red laser beam, making it relatively easy to deduce the player's location once a laser is spotted. However, the laser was changed to only leave a red laser dot at the surface it is aiming at instead, which made spotting the dot and deducing the player's location more difficult.

When aiming down sight, the laser dot disappears from the user's perspective. However, it will remain visible to other players.

Looking directly at a player aiming a weapon with a laser sight will create a visible red glare, which can sometimes expose the player's location.

Almost every in-game weapon can be equipped with the Laser.

Weapon Incompatibility[]

Incompatibility List
Marksman Rifles
Light Machine Guns
Machine Pistols


Patch Changes[]


This section is currently under construction. It may contain little or inaccurate information.

The Laser Sight is a weapon attachment featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Mobile. It emits a laser dot that enhances a weapon's aiming capabilities. However, the laser is visible to other players while aiming, potentially revealing a player's location to enemies.


Four variants of the Laser Sight are available, each with varying effects. All four Laser Sights are available for all weapons. As with other attachments, they are unlocked for a weapon by progressing the associated Operator's Mastery Track.

  • High Precision Laser - Increases vertical recoil, horizontal recoil, and recoil stage length
  • Mini Laser - Increases hipfire Accuracy. Unlike other variants, its laser is invisible to enemies
  • Tracking Laser - Large increase to ADS Speed
  • Smart Laser - Large increase to recoil reduction and aim assist against gadgets. Also increases recentering speed.



