A lockpick kit is a set of tools or devices used to manipulate the components of a digital or mechanical lock without using the original key meant to open said lock. Lockpicking kits are used by Special Forces, police and emergency services to gain access to areas otherwise closed off to outside personnel. The lockpicking kits can consist of digital components if necessary, however the primary components are mechanical, and include equipment such as skeleton keys, tension wrenches and bump keys.
The lockpick kit is categorized as a gadget the Rainbow Six universe.
Rainbow Six[]
The Lockpick Kit is a gadget featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six.
This kit speeds the picking of locks. Its primary component is a highly sophisticated auto-pick capable of opening most mechanical locks in a few seconds. Electrical keycard or swipe locks are handled using a classified system containing presets for all major keycard variations.
Rogue Spear[]
The Lockpick Kit is a gadget featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear.
The Lockpick Kit is a gadget featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Take-Down – Missions in Korea.
Raven Shield[]
The Lock Pick Kit is a gadget featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield.
This kit speeds the picking of locks. Its primary component is a highly sophisticated auto-pick capable of opening most mechanical locks in a few seconds. Electrical keycard or swipe locks are handled using a classified system containing presets for all major keycard variations. You do not have to equip this item as it is used automatically when you attempt to open locked doors.