The MK23 is a semi-automatic pistol manufactured by Heckler and Koch that chambers the .45 ACP round. The MK23 was based off of the USP. The MK23 is the signature sidearm of Team Rainbow in the Rainbow Six universe.
The MK23 is categorized as a handgun in the Rainbow Six universe.
Rainbow Six[]
The HK .45 MARK 23 is a weapon featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six. A suppressed variant, known as the HK. 45 MARK 23-SD is also featured in the game.
The extreme ruggedness, reliability, and match-grade accuracy of Heckler & Koch's .45 Caliber Mark23 ACP has made it a handgun of choice for all U.S. Special Forces.
Rogue Spear[]
The HK MARK23 is a weapon featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six. Functioning similar to its counterpart of the original game, the suppressed variant, known as the HK MARK23-SD is also featured in the game.
Lone Wolf[]
- "The specially designed sound and flash suppressor on this HR MK23 virtually eliminates muzzle flash and provides more than 35db of sound reduction. an essential part of any rainbow mission requiring both firepower and discretion."
— In-game Description
The 0.45CAL M23 SD Pistol is a weapon featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Lone Wolf.
Raven Shield[]
The Mk23 is a weapon featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield. Unlike past installments, the weapon can now be fitted with attachments such as a Suppressor or High-Capacity Mag.
The extreme ruggedness, reliability and match-grade accuracy of the .45 Caliber Mark ACP has made it handgun of choice for western Special Forces. A specially designed sound and flash suppressor virtually eliminates muzzle flash and provides more than 35dB of sound reduction. It is an essential part of any RAINBOW mission requiring both firepower and discretion.
Rainbow Six 3 (Console)[]
The MK23 is a weapon featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3 (Console).
Black Arrow[]
The MK23 is a weapon featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow. The weapon is fitted with tritium night sights and a Suppressor by default.
The MK.23 is a weapon featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas.
Weapon Attachments[]
Vegas (PSP)[]
- "Big brother of the USP, uses .45 caliber."
— In-game Description
The Mk.23 is a weapon featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas (PSP).
Vegas 2[]
The MK.23 is a weapon featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas. Since Vegas 1 and 2 share the same engine and models, the weapon appears in the same configuration as its Vegas 1 counterpart.
Weapon Attachments[]
Shadow Vanguard[]
The MK23, designated in-game as simply the Tactical Handgun, is a weapon featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Shadow Vanguard.
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six and Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear
- The Mk.23 in-game is incorrectly modeled exactly the same as the HK .40 USP.
- In Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear, the "Black Thorn" expansion pack changed the name of the weapon to the ".45cal M23"
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 1 and 2
- In-game, the MK23 has the front cocking serrations of the Phase II prototype of the weapon. It might be interesting to note that these front cocking serrations were deleted from production models of the weapon.