Neoplasms are bio-organic structures featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Extraction. Two variants of Neoplasm have been observed: Malignant Neoplasm and the Elusive Neoplasm. Both are impervious to all forms of damage except by sharp objects at close range such as the REACT Blade. Neoplasm plays a central role in the Decontamination mission objective as well as the Eclipse Crisis Event.
Malignant Neoplasm[]
- "I'm told these Aberrant Nests make proteins and enzymes for Neoplasms. They're jusy nasty to me."
— Thermite
Malignant Neoplasms can be identified by their green color and the black bio-organic structure that surrounds it which resemble hands. Malignant Neoplasms connect to the Parasite's Nest system in an area, resulting in the creation of Aberrant Nests that will produce proteins and enzymes to feed the Neoplasm and protect it from damage.
Tests by REACT molecular scientists have found that Aberrant Nests are filled with damaged DNA threads that may occur during the incubation process resulting in malformations. This causes the release of a toxic cloud which increases the contamination of the biome and the creation of Aberrant Nests. Once an Aberrant Nest is destroyed, a defense mechanism causes all other Aberrant Nests to become alerted and start producing Archæans at an accelerated rate. The Malignant Neoplasm will only become vulnerable to damage once all Aberrant Nests have been destroyed.
Elusive Neoplasm[]
- "We're lucky the Elusive Neoplasms are only showing up in TorC. We still need to study them to prevent their spread to other Hot-Zones."
— Ash
Unlike Malignant Neoplasm, Elusive Neoplasm can be identified by its blue color and lack of hand-like carapace surround it. Following the complete takeover of Truth or Consequences by the Parasite and the city's subsequent destruction during the Outbreak, it became an "electric sponge", giving way for the planet to produce enormous electromagnetic storms in the area. The Parasite took advantage of this by further mutating to create the Elusive Neoplasm in order to harvest this energy and use it to expand and protect itself from threats. Aside from the collecting the high amounts of electromagnetic energy in the area, the Elusive Neoplasm also takes advantage of the flaws in the Power Grid in TorC. This has allowed the Parasite to stockpile massive amounts of electrical energy within Elusive Neoplasms. It can store the equivalent of the annual electricity consumption of 40 households. The xenon plasma contained within Elusive Neoplasms have directly resulted in its fractal shape.
Due to not being protected by carapace, the Elusive Neoplasm compensates for this by releasing a constant electromagnetic biosonar around itself in order to detect moving threats. Acting in a similar manner to radar, it will be indiscriminate should the pulse hit an inanimate object. Should it hit a moving object, the bounce-back signal results in an alert reaction. The pulse isn't harmful in and of itself, but can cause minimal device interference. Elusive Neoplasm instinctively avoiding the light as their biosonar is more efficient in cooler temperatures. If the Elusive Neoplasm detects movement, it will flee the area in a similar manner to how Tormentors travel. With its large stockpile of energy, however, an Elusive Neoplasm can move far great distances than any Tormentor. Due to the Parasite's priority of collecting as much energy as possible to further expand itself, it keeps Elusive Neoplasms high guarded by high tier Archæans.
Malignant Neoplasm is featured in the Decontamination mission objective. Players must first locate Aberrant Nests. On solo, five nest must be destroyed to open up the Neoplasm. When playing with other players, fifteen nests must be destroyed. Once all Aberrant Nests are destroyed, the hand like carapace protecting the Malignant Neoplasm will open, allowing players to use the REACT Blade to take a sample and destroy it. Once destroyed, the Malignant Neoplasm will shrivel up and dissolve, along with a large area of Sprawl near it.
The Malignant Neoplasm and Aberrant Nests will release toxic gas which will obscure vision and damage the player over time. Nests release the gas when destroyed by any means other than a takedown. The Malignant Neoplasm will release the gas if approached before all Aberrant Nests are destroyed. Destroying one Nest will alert all other Aberrant Nests and all normal Nests in the subzone. This will cause them to immediately spawn enemies to attack players. It is important to destroy all nests as soon as possible, or players will risk being overrun by enemies. On higher difficulties, high level enemies such as the Tormentor or Smasher will spawn out of aberrant nests. It is advised to remove all Sprawl from the area and barricade or reinforce windows and doors before destroying the first nest to make enemy crowd control easier.
The Elusive Neoplasm is featured in the Attrition mission objective of the Eclipse Crisis Event. Players must locate and perform Takedowns on it across three subzones. Once located, players must silently approach it with caution. The Elusive Neoplasm will send out a visible biosonar pulse that will detect any movement within it's radius. If alerted, the biosonar pulse will change from blue to red and the Elusive Neoplasm will escape the area to the next subzone. Alternatively, if enemies are alerted and howl near the Elusive Neoplasm, it will also be alerted and flee. To counteract this, players must approach the Elusive Neoplasm in-between pulses to be able to get within range. Afterwards, players must perform a Takedown on the Neoplasm which will deplete 1/3 of its health before it escapes to the next subzone. This process must be repeated for each subzone. Should the Elusive Neoplasm escape a subzone without taking damage, players will have to perform multiple takedowns in the final subzone. This means that the Elusive Neoplasm will relocate to a different part of the final subzone each time a Takedown is perform or if its alerted.
- An image of a REACT case file of the Elusive Neoplasm was featured in the data files of Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege during the Containment event, despite not physically appearing in the game.
Malignant Neoplasm[]
Concept Art[]
Elusive Neoplasm[]