Rainbow Six Wiki
Rainbow Six Wiki

The XM29 OICW (Objective Individual Combat Weapon), often shortened to OICW, is an experimental assault rifle-grenade launcher hybrid designed in the 1990s for a competition to replace the M16 rifle. The weapon program was eventually cancelled, and the weapon never made it out of the prototype stage. The design of the XM29 OICW features a top mounted grenade launcher with a targeting scope and a separate trigger attached to a regular assault rifle system.

The XM29 OICW is categorized as an assault rifle in the Rainbow Six universe.


Caveira Icon

Cut content
The subject of this article, OICW, has been cut from the final version of a Rainbow Six game.

The OICW is a weapon featured in the console version of Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Lockdown.

In the console version of the game, the OICW is available to use to player after unlocking it with 250 Intel Points. In the PC version of the game, the OICW is cut from the game, and is only present within the game files.

Critical Hour[]

The OICW is a weapon featured in the console version of Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Critical Hour.
