Operation Arcing Bronze is the sixth mission of the Iron Wrath expansion for Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield. The custom mission name of the level is Storage Facility.
Terrorists have set up timed explosives at a nuclear storage facility in Pavlograd, in the Ukraine. If the bombs detonate, the resulting cloud will contaminate an area several times larger than the Chernobyl incident. You are tasked with infiltrating the facility and defusing the bombs.
Your mission is to prevent the detonation of the explosives. Bombs are strategically placed to blow up the whole facility. Be aware that resistance is mainly concentrated around the bombs sites.
John Clark - This is the sort of scenario we talked about during the Cold War, but never had to implement. We'll be going in to an old Soviet nuclear materials storage facility. Needless to say, the place is build like Fort Knox. The only advantage we have is that the tangos have gone in before us and opened it up a bit. That means we can move faster than they did and hopefully catch them quickly.
The bad news is that it looks like they've going to spoil what they can't steal. There are charges set up all through the storage facility. they're set to blow as soon as the men who set them get off the premises, if not sooner. If they go, the blast will spread radioactive debris over a good portion of the Ukraine. As important as stopping the thieves from escaping with nuclear fuel is, preventing the bombs from going off is an equally high priority.
Advance reconnaissance has indicated that they're most heavily concentrated around the central fuel storage area and the bomb sites, but they've got a strong perimeter as well. We have blueprints, but odds are that they know this place better than we do, so be prepared for tangos to come popping out at odd angles. Watch your backs, and don't assume that just because you've cleared an area, it'll stay cleared. That's all. Move out.
Kevin Sweeney - One of the lovely things about debriefing scientists is that they never, ever want to stop talking. The lot you rescued in Sevastopol heard and saw all sorts of things while they were being held captive, and they've been more than happy to share it with us.
Their captors, it turns out, were local muscle recruited by ex-Spetsnaz officers to do the heavy lifting on the smuggling ring. The Russians weren't there all that often, but when they were, they talked, and they talked about things like a bomb-building program in the Ukraine. Since they've been cut off from the supplies and expertise from Bulgaria, it now looks like they'll be going home-grown on their fissionable materials. We've worked with the Russians to lock down their nukes, but there are still some potential soft spots when it comes to raw materials, particularly a storage facility near Pavlograd. That's where analysis said they were most likely to hit, and lo and behold, it looks like our prediction was right.
WEST SIBERIA, VORKOUTA (United News International) - Local workers worked feverishly today to avert what could have been the biggest nuclear disaster since Chernobyl. According to sources, one of the containment weapons-grade plutonium from decommissioned nuclear weapons, developed a crack. Facility spokesmen indicate that there was never any real danger of a serious nuclear leak, but do admit that had the crack been allowed to grow, then the consequences could have been extremely dangerous.
There are unsubstantiated reports that several of the facilities crew members did in fact give their lives to help staunch the radiation leak, and one eyewitness reports seeing seven bodies carried out on stretchers. However, site officials now claim that the leak has been contained 100%, and the site is perfectly safe.