- "One of the most iconic settings for a CTU operation, this presidential plane offers an exotic and unique siege experience. It is claustrophobic, tense and constrained, involving limited breaching opportunities and sight lines."
— Ubisoft Description
Presidential Plane is a map featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege. It is a remake of the map 747 from past Rainbow Six installments.
- 3 Attacker spawning locations
- Official Entrance
- Reporter Entrance
- Service Entrance
- 3-4 Defender objective locations
- Bomb
- 2F Meeting Room and 2F Executive Office
- 2F Executive Bedroom and 2F Staff Section
- 1F Cargo Hold and 1F Luggage Hold
- Secure Area
- 2F Meeting Room
- 2F Executive Bedroom
- 2F Staff Section
- 1F Luggage Hold
- Hostage
- 2F Meeting Room
- 2F Executive Bedroom
- 2F Press Section A
- 1F Luggage Hold
- 7 Trap doors
- Bomb
Map Layout[]
This map is used in Situation 4: Tubular Assault. In this situation, you play as Ash, who's job is to clear the plane of terrorists. Unlike regular Terrorist Hunt, there are fewer terrorists and no reinforced rooms, with all the terrorists being Loners. There are no bombers and little to no deployable shields. The main focus of this Situation is Ash's gadget and leaning.
Rainbow is Magic[]
- Rainbow is Magic is a special hostage game mode available for the week of April Fool's Day 2019.
The map is filled with Easter Eggs, with animated objects on the walls. Bullet holes and melee marks on walls appear as stars. Wall sections destroyed by explosives or a sledgehammer will have explosions doodled around them. The flowers on walls "cry" when the petals are damaged. Gift boxes can be broken to reveal plushy toys. The in-flight announcement heard near the cockpit and the staff section pokes fun at aspects of the game, with instructions to stow all ACOGs in the overhead bins, to remove Smoke from the non-smoking flight, to brace from a turbulence that is actually Nomad's airjab, and to remain knocked out for medical help.
- Outside of the plane, there are multiple signs for Miller's Rail. Miller's Rail is a bar from Watch_Dogs, another video game by Ubisoft.
- The plane's windows are indestructible, with very few exceptions. Those being Kali's CSRX 300, and Glaz's OTs-03. The interaction the OTs-03 has with the window has changed unannounced over multiple patches, where at times if shot enough the window will break or make no hole at all. Currently, the OTs-03 creates holes that Defender and Attackers alike can shoot through.
- The plane is approximately 2x the size of a real-life Boeing 747. This can be judged by the fact that the lower cargo hold is capable of holding 4 LD3 size containers side by side while the real Boeing 747 is only capable of 2.
- If players run too far away from the plane, they will die after 10 seconds, much like what happens when a player goes outside when playing Defense on Terrorist Hunt.
- The floor plan is very similar to that of Air Force One, the United States Presidential plane.
- This is a situation where Chris Ryan, AshleeMarleeGaming, Vikkstar123 and Ali-A, encountered and weapons used are paintball guns
- The map is featured as a location in Tom Clancy's Elite Squad.
Patch Changes[]