- "I trust that the ceramic trauma plate I'm wearing will stop a .357 Magnum round traveling at four-hundred and ninety meters per second. I trust myself not to move, not to flinch. I trust my team mates and they trust me."
— Rook
Julien "Rook" Nizan is a Defending Operator featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege and Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Mobile.
- "You're going to be alright, mon ami! (my friend)"
— Rook
Julien Nizan was born on January 6 in Tours, France. Nizan was the youngest son of a working-class family. His father was a respected stone mason while his mother held numerous jobs. Both of them informed his sense of architectural design and precision, helping him earn top rankings in school. Nizan is fluent in English, he studied with an American professor at Secondary School.[1] Along with Nizan's intellectual interests, he excelled in athletics from an early age, including Track & Field, fencing, and cycling. He later dropped out of university to cycle across France. At age eighteen, the National Gendarmerie enlisted his father for an anti-corruption sting with local businesses. Nizan was fascinated by the level of planning required by the police. He subsequently enlisted in the National Gendarmerie and was assigned to the Highway Patrol Unit.
Nizan thrived in his training, which included specialized qualifications in weapons, surveillance, and criminal investigations. His adaptability put him at the top of the list in military and defense courses, quickly catching the attention of the GIGN. His first operations with that unit combined all of the elements to satisfy his endless pursuit of challenges and adventure, according to staff psychologists. In addition, Nizan is titled as the GIGN Marksmanship champion.[2]With specializing in hostage rescue and surveillance, Nizan's list of successful interventions is extensive.[3]
In 2015, Nizan was recruited into Rainbow alongside several other GIGN officers, having in charge in performing trust exercises with all the new recruits.[4] Five years later in June 2020, Nizan and Emmanuelle "Twitch" Pichon were in Paris, France when two large fires emerged downtown. The GIGN deployed the pair and several other officers to keep order from the chaos caused by the fire. Having faced a similar situation during training under The Program, Nizan and Pichon suspected the fires had been started in order to distract from a major bank heist across the city. They tracked and confronted the robbers who started firing at them. Nizan was shot in the head but was saved by his helmet. Nizan and Pichon then pursued the robbers across Paris in a high-speed motorcycle chase and eventually caught them.
On Feburary 23rd, 2024, Deimos initiated a raid on the Rainbow black site on Emerald Plains during a Security Committee meeting. However, things didn't go as planned, Rook along with Doc, Mira, and Zero were already on site preparing to capture Deimos for interrogation. Deimos managed to overpower all 4, shooting Doc, Mira and Rook before being ambushed by Zero. Deimos recognized Sam Fisher and got the upper hand, almost killing him before being shot in the mask by Rook while saying "Ta gueule, connard". Him along with Mira and Doc survived by wearing his newly upgraded body armor. Deimos would be captured and brought to the Rainbow HQ for interrogation. After the mission, Zero thanked Rook for saving him and invites him to join a training session with him some time.
Psychological Profile[]
Nizan is idealistic and trusting. He can be impulsive and must self-regulate in order to remain on task. When his focus is clear, he is decisive and driven to complete the task at hand.[5]
Psychological Report[]
In reviewing Specialist Julien "Rook" Nizan's file, what stands out is his ability to adapt to demands. Very quickly into our conversation it was clear that Nizan's interests are wide-reaching. From his descriptions, it sounds like his parents imparted their eclectic tastes. Julien and his sister, Elodie, were especially encouraged to be curious about everything. I would argue that it's this openness to the world around him that led to the creation of his protective - yet still highly flexible - armor plating. […]
Nizan's father is a stone mason, which requires imagination, precision, and dedication. His mother's ability to explore different vocations with verve - bookkeeping, street busker, florist, tour guide, sommelier, and chef - all strongly influenced how Nizan adapts to challenges and what goals he sets out for himself. […] The field reports reflect some of Nizan's chameleon-like way of merging into whatever role is required. This kind of versatility is rare - I've asked leads such as Specialist Gustav "Doc" Kateb and Miles "Castle" Campbell to challenge Nizan more during operations. […]
I'm curious about how Nizan went from studying architecture to joining law enforcement. He grew up passionate about cycling, auto racing, and rock concerts, and he spend an inordinate amount of time trying to devise a scheme by which these could become careers. Ultimately, his interests evolved. Dropping out of university to cycle around France gave him his first sense of freedom. And then his world expanded further when he returned. At that time, the Gendarmerie enlisted his civilian father for an anti-corruption sting with local businesses. Nizan told me he was fascinated by the level of planning required by the police. […]
Right from the beginning, Nizan remembers appreciating the broad spectrum of skills and range of expertise required to be in law enforcement and the military. Every day is different. […] Nizan is one of the more constant optimists on the team. His ability to energize other specialists is important, and he's certainly well liked. I'd like to see Nizan's sense of adventure put to better use, however. Complacency benefits no one.
- - Dr. Harishva "Harry" Pandey, Director of Rainbow
Gameplay Overview[]
A Heavy Health Operator, Rook comes with a bag of five R1N "Rhino" Armor Plates. These Armor Plates can be picked up and equipped for added damage resistance.
- Rook's Armor Plates come in a satchel which he can place down. In it, there will be five Armor Plates ready to be picked up.
- Each Armor Plate takes 3 seconds to equip.
- Unlike other gadgets, Rook cannot pick up the satchel once dropped.
- Attackers can also pick up Armor Plates, though they will not have a HUD icon signifying its location and contents.
- The satchel can be destroyed by any source of damage after being placed.
- When setting down the satchel, Rook will automatically pickup an Armor Plate and attach it to himself.
- This action takes roughly 5 seconds.
- The satchel is sturdier than other gadgets. Aside from explosives or melee, destroying it takes more than a couple of hits.
- When an Armor Plate is worn, Operators receive a roughly 15% reduction in damage received.
- The 15% damage reduction is similar to a higher health type.
- Despite the armor being only applied to the chest during the animation; the armor affects all parts of the body (except the head).
- Explosives will deal less damage when an Armor Plate is applied to an Operator.
- Armor Plates guarantee that the Operator wearing it is downed instead of killed when their health depletes. However, headshots are still instantly lethal.
- Being downed while wearing the Armor Plate doubles the Bleedout timer, for a maximum of 120 seconds.
- When downed, the Operator will lose their Armor Plate.
- While the Armor Plate ensures that the Operator is downed, the DBNO policy of "can only be downed once per round" applies. Wearing a new pair of Plates after being downed once will not prevent the Operator's death the next time they are shot down, but regardless still supply a rough 20% damage reduction.
- When downed, a sound similar to Blackbeard's shield breaking can be heard from either team.
- When downed with an Armor Plate equipped, a self revive is possible
- Rook works especially well with fellow GIGN defending Operator Doc. With his Stim Pistol at hand, he is able to heal allies, revive downed Operators from afar along with granting Operators an Overheal. These qualities shine with the damage reducing Armor Plates that guarantees DBNO.
- The latter also applies to Thunderbird's Kóna Stations. Each station can heal, revive downed Operators manually, and helps increase the survivability of allies.
- Even with the Plates on, Operators will instantly die from melee attacks as per usual.
- Though not particularly practical, Sledge's Breaching Hammer will still kill an Operator with Armor Plates, as it counts as a melee strike.
- Capitão's Asphyxiating Bolts will deal consistent damage across all health ratings, meaning Armor Plates won't do anything in those kinds of scenarios.
- Explosive damage will deal less damage but can still kill.
- Fuze's Cluster Charges, Zofia's Impact Grenades, Flores' RCE-RATERO Drone, and Frag Grenades will all deal either high damage or kill.
- While not ideal, Nitro Cells and Impact Grenades will either kill or deal large amounts of damage.
Device Description[]
- "Drops a supply bag full of armor plates for his team to use."
— R1N "Rhino" Armor Description
The GIGN's R1N "Rhino" Armor contains a hot-pressed boron ceramic plate designed to stop small-arms fire from penetrating the chest cavity as well as offering small protection against trauma caused by back-face deformation. They are stored in a light-weight sturdy satchel for rapid field deployment.
The trauma plates were initially designed as a low profile ballistics shield for "trust exercises". Nizan was first introduced to the trauma plate when he was on the receiving end of a .357 Magnum. The protection they provide and the ease in which a damaged plate could be replaced made the trauma plates a valuable addition to Team Rainbow's defenses.
Device Evaluation[]
Device: R1N "Rhino" Armor - Armor Pack
Operator: Specialist Julien "Rook" Nizan
Evaluation Lead: Specialist Gustave "Doc" Kateb
Lab time has been limited. I understand this. But Specialist Julien Nizan's R1N "Rhino" Armor assessment has been bumped off of the schedule four times! I was informed that this was due to the straight forward nature of the Armor Pack and therefore doesn't require a full lab analysis. This is not ideal. How are these being prioritized? I'd like to have a meeting with Dr. Harry Pandey and Director Elena Alvarez (Six and Mira) to discuss the lab schedule priorities.
THe R1N's composition of boron ceramic plates can limit damage from small arms and effectively "buys time" for the team from fatal impacts so that medical assistance can reach the team in time. As we all know, this is the single most important thing in combat - survival! With something so simple it's really exceptional and deserves respect. Please, lets discuss lab time.
- - Doc
Rook's Quotes |
- Rook's birthplace, Tours, reflects his nickname as the word "tour" can mean "rook" in French.
- Rook is known to perform trust exercises with new recruits. He is also fluent in English, as he studied with an American professor in Secondary School.[4]
- The armor bag for Rook's Gendarmerie Elite Set contains a file saying "Operation Rook Mine".[6]
- Rook's date of birth was originally stated as 1990, however this has since been removed.
Concept Art[]
The Elite[]
Patch Changes[]