Rainbow Six Wiki
Rainbow Six Wiki

The SR-2 Veresk is a machine pistol manufactured by TsNIITochMash that chambers the 9x21mm Gurza round. The round is sufficiently powerful to penetrate most forms of body armor.

The SR-2 is categorized as a submachine gun in the Rainbow Six universe. The SR-2 appears in both Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield and Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow. The weapon was also cut from the final products of both Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas and Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2.

Raven Shield[]

The SR-2 is a weapon featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield.

Rainbow Six 3 (Console)[]

The SR-2 is a weapon featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3 (Console).

Black Arrow[]

The SR-2 is a weapon featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow. The weapon is always equipped with a reflex sight in game.

The SR-2 in game can be used as a primary and secondary weapon, much like the MAC-11. If used as a primary weapon, the weapon fires in full auto and has an unfolded stock, and if used as a pistol, the weapon fires in semi-automatic and has the stock folded.

Vegas 1 & 2[]

Caveira Icon

Cut content
The subject of this article, SR-2, has been cut from the final version of a Rainbow Six game.

The SR-2 is a weapon that was supposed to be featured in both Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas and Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas 2, but was later cut from the final product. The weapon was found among the files of the PC versions of both games.
