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Scientific Research Protocols is a Codex featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Extraction. It is unlocked by reaching Development Milestone 17.


REACT deals with highly mutable and/or volatile exogenous organisms that must be studied and experimented with on site. (INSERT: Mira - There's a risk, but... We've made discoveries that will change humanity.)

Advances in several technological and scientific fields is directly attributed to REACT operations:

- Genetics and genomics
- Virology and bacteriology
- Oncology
- Neurophysiology and Neuromuscular medicine
- Geology
- Astrophysics

In-depth study of any XO (Exogenous Organism) requires constant monitoring. (INSERT: Finka - Under controlled conditions, if possible.)

Formations particular to the Chimera Parasite make in situ research necessary. (QUERY: Aberrations/ size + delicate structure + unpredictability)

Requires installation of sensors, probes and monitoring systems within the Hot-Zone. Deployed by scientists and technicians while the Parasite is in low-activity phase.

Recovery of data may be performed by Operators in particularly active phases.
