Sower is a Codex featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Extraction. It is unlocked by completing the Sower Vulnerability Study in the San Francisco Region.
INDEX Analysis:
The Sower variant is a primarily quadrupedal Archæans. Behavior indicates preference to evade threats. Capable of close-quarters combat. Reports indicate it will charge if cornered. (QUERY: carapace-covered head)
Sowers produce a glowing mass of Chimera material which they disgorge on the ground. See Extrapolations. (INSERT: IQ - I saw it spit up something. It was... fascinating. And disgusting.)
Assessing Sower behavior - Evasion: Sowers may be defensive Archans designed to spread the Chimera organism via disgorged mass. Undetermined: Requires more data.
Assessing Sower deposits: Disgorged mass of Chimera cells contains high-energy (glowing) Sprawl material. Proximity triggered detonation results in a blinding flash of light. (INSERT: Mira - I'd like to know how these are triggered…..)
The Sower's head is heavily armored with a hardened Carapace. Its underbelly is more susceptible to damage and is exposed when disgorging material.
They appear to be susceptible to movement-impairing ordnance. (Confirmed)
Glowing mass of Chimera cells deposited by Sower should be avoided or detonated from a distance.