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This article features a Codex Entry.

Spillover is the first Crisis Event available for Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Extraction. The event introduces a limited-timed gamemode, Zofia as an available operator, as well as a new gadget, cosmetics, and exclusive Studies.

Announced on November 14, 2021, it was released on February 18th, 2022 and was available until March 10th, 2022.[1]


REACT detected an unprecedented Parasite Mutation within the Hot-Zones. Microbial Colonies appearing over the Sprawl are the source of this threat.

The first Crisis Protocol is launched to address the situation. Mira led the REACT R&D Team to develop Dissolution Agent canisters, a corrosive chemical weapon that will act over the Colonies.

- Thermite
Spillover Objective

The objective of the event is to plant nine Dissolution Agent Canisters around a single subzone that has been covered in a mutated form of Sprawl. This mutated Sprawl is produced by Microbial Colonies and allows any Archæan to spawn from it without the need of a Nest. It does not slow players down like normal Sprawl but cannot be permanently removed without a Dissolution Agent Canister.

Players have twenty minutes to plant all nine canisters which are divided into three sections. Each section requires two, three, and four Microbial Colonies to be destroyed in order to earn the objective bonus. Canisters are taken from the Extraction Pod in a similar manner to the Shutdown mission objective. Once planted, players will have to defend it for 1 minutes 30 seconds. If destroyed, players will have to go back to the Extraction Pod to retrieve another canister. Each Microbial Colony has an icon above it that denotes what special enemy type will spawn. These enemies include Elites, Blinding Spore Carriers, and Cloaked Archæans. Once a canister has been deployed on a Microbial Colony, enemies will continue to spawn from across the subzone in an attempt to destroy it.

To avoid taking unnecessary damage or exhausting all resources, it is advised to plant and destroy all Microbial Colonies as soon as possible. Reinforcing walls, Barricading doors and windows, and setting up defensive gadgets is advised in order to effectively protect canisters. Defensive operators such as Tachanka or Jäger, and operators with access to LMGs are great options for defending canisters.



Spillover #1

Objective In Spillover, as a squad, clear 30 Archæan Assaults. Charms Logo EpicCombat Souvenir Charm
Brief "The Sprawl Colonies might have an impact on the generation of Archæans. As a security measure, we need to analyze the Sprawl generated by Archæan enemies." - Thermite
Logbook Crisis Log SPL: "Generally, we observe a sudden increase in generation of Archæans when the Parasite experiences stress. This generation come at a high energy cost. Current data indicates production of larger groups is increasing. Where — how — is it drawing the energy to make them?" - Thermite
Shock Treatment
Objective In Spillover, as a squad, dissolve 18 Sprawl Colonies in one attempt. Weapons Skin Logo EpicSwift Bushwhack Weapon Skin
Brief "The apparition of the Sprawl Colonies in an enigma. By analyzing their remains after dissolution, REACT should be able to learn more about their purpose." - Thermite
Logbook Crisis Log SPL: "We've got one mystery solved surrounding the Sprawl Colonies: We've learned that the Parasite stores energy reserves within them. They get charged up when the Parasite is dormant. That fuels them for later. When a Colony is attacked, it channels even more energy, which heightens their aggression levels..." - Thermite
I See You
Objective In Spillover, Perform 30 Headshots kills of invisible Archæans. Headgear Logo EpicDesert Kingsnake Headgear
Brief "The Sprawl Colonies seem to empower certain Archæans. We must study this specific link in the Sprawl generated by Archæans remains." - Thermite
Logbook Crisis Log SPL: "The 3 different Sprawl colony formations we observed can share properties with groups of Archæans when threatened. This release of specific DNA attributes through the sprawl (like invisibility, attached spores, or increased lethality) gives them deadly offensive abilities. More reason to increase our containment efforts." - Thermite
Strike Team
Objective In Spillover, as a squad, destroy all Sprawl Colonies and extract 3 times. Coslogo-legendDesert Kingsnake Uniform
Brief "A larger amount of Sprawl Colonies samples will help us understand their purpose. We need to dissolve more of them." - Thermite
Logbook Crisis Log SPL: "We have a breakthrough! The colonies appear to be working as an evolutionary reaction to the Parasite's environmental stress, resulting in a more controlled and aggressive response. If this continues, the zones will be overwhelmed by their numbers and Archæans could breach our containment protocol. We have to stop them from spreading." - Thermite
Objective As a squad, kill 500 Archæans with your primary or secondary weapon. REACT Tech IconAuto-Turret REACT Tech
Brief "New REACT Tech for incursions is in development at our R&D Department. For its testing phase, we need to gather ballistic data from encounters with Archæans." - Thermite
Logbook Crisis Log SPL: "Our analysts have gathered a large amount of ballistic data in the Hot-Zones. Bullet impacts, Parasite traces... Using this data for our machine learning, we built this REACT Auto Turret. It was especially developed for defense against multiple targets like Archæan swarms. Its features are simple: when deployed, it will detect and shoot any threat." - Thermite

Spillover #2

Objective Complete all 5 Crisis Studies. N/A
Brief "The sudden change in the Parasite's behavior requires reacts full attention. Using the complete crew of our scientists, we will hopefully shed light on this unprecedented Parasite Mutation." - Thermite
Final Report - Mutability

Crisis Log SPL: "Thanks to our studies, we've been able to understand the chaotic nature of these Parasite Mutations: we can only predict within a few days, as the parasite is sensitive to subtle initial conditions. The spectacular nature of such mutation confirms the need for a Crisis Protocol to address future threats. Our presence and attempts to contain the parasite increases our chances..." - Thermite


