Stadium is a map featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege. It was originally available for a limited time in the Road To S.I. 2020 event and later returned reworked in the Road To S.I. 2021 and Road To S.I. 2022 events. A modified version of the reworked map known as Stadium Bravo became a permanent addition in the Operation Brutal Swarm expansion.
The map takes place at a refurbished stadium in Elis, Greece, acting as Rainbow's central training facility for The Program. The Stadium was once used for a series of commonwealth games in the 1970s. Harry tasked Mira and Rainbow's Engineering team with renovating the entire facility to ensure that it met all of their requirements. The Stadium was transformed into a state of the art facility. It featured a gym, medical bay, firing range, dormitories, cafeteria, lounges, R&D lab, and a movie theatre. A modular kill house was also constructed in the center of the old stadium. This allowed for it to be reconfigured at any time to create new situations for Operators. A full pit-wall was also constructed on the sidelines of the kill house to allow downed Operators to continue monitoring teammates and provide assistance when needed. The layout of the Stadium's kill house was reconfigured in late 2020 in preparation for the Six Invitational. Both the 2020 and 2021 configurations of the kill house were later brought back for the Six Invitational 2022.
Gameplay Overview[]
At the center of the arena is a kill house which is made up of elements from other maps in the game. The reworked version of the map utilizes elements of the maps Coastline and Border. All destructible surfaces are marked as such accordingly. Additionally, the map features indestructible bulletproof glass, allowing both teams to safely view one another and encouraging new strategies. The map may only be played on the Bomb gamemode. Each match starts with Attackers either rappelling from a platform above the kill house, or spawning on the ground or the basement.
Map Layout[]
Operators, as head of R&D, I would like to welcome you to your new home away from home! Mi casa es tu casa!
As you probably have already noticed, the stadium itself was originally built for a series of commonwealth games back in the seventies. Like so many other around the world, it was soon forgotten and left to rot. But now, thanks to The Program, the entire facility has been rebuilt, redesigned and resurrected just for us! I personally worked very closely with the engineering team, making sure we had absolutely everything we needed to really push ourselves to our limits.
Everything is state of the art; gyms, medical bay, gun range, dormitories, around the clock all you can eat cafeteria, lounges, and even a movie theatre. Not to mention, an enormous new R&D lab that Kali and I will be putting to good use developing new toys for us.
And what better place to try them out than in the new, fully modular map system! Within a reasonable delay, the map can be completely re-configured, combining any number of pre-designed room modules and passageways to connect them. It will challenge us, always presenting a new sandbox to train in. Even the sidelines for each team are equipped with a full pit-wall, allowing downed Operators to continue monitoring our teammates and giving assistance whenever possible.
I am sure it will take you no time to find your way around. If you have any questions, you can probably find me in the lab blowing something up.
- - Mira
Each Operator will be wearing a SIM-SUIT that has been developed by R6-LABS. It is their first layer of clothing, worn beneath all of their combat gear. The SIM-SUIT provides real-time telemetry of all contact the Operator receives and calculates its simulated damage, providing near-instantaneous feedback.
Once simulated damage has reached or exceeded its limit, Operators must remain immobile. They will then be alerted when all other Operators have cleared their vicinity, exiting the Map and heading off to their respective sidelines. Naturally, all headshots are “instant-kill”. It is important to note that the SIM-SUIT provides no protection to the Operator. The simulation rounds and explosives used during the tournament are non-lethal and when contacting an operator, detonate as white smoke. However, they are still ballistic, high-energy projectiles. They will hurt. And depending on the point of contact, they will hurt a lot.
Finally, while the system allows the Operators to absorb more “damage” than real-world combat, the “softer” lethality will demand more from them; they will have to work harder for their “kills”.
- Dr. Elena “Mira” Álvarez, Director of R&DGallery[]
- The original version of the map, known as Stadium 2020 was available for the Road To S.I. 2020 event which ran from January 15th, 2020 to February 17th, 2020.
- The reworked version, known as Stadium 2021, was available for the Road To S.I. 2021 event which ran from January 21st, 2021 to February 22nd, 2021.
- Night time versions of the 2020 and 2021 versions of the map were available for the Road To S.I. 2022 event which ran from February 1st, 2022 to February 21st, 2022.
- Harry Pandey appeared at the start of each match and talks about the abilities of one of the selected Operators. This also revealed their identity to the opposing team.
- In the cut-scene at the beginning of the match, Mozzie appeared to be moving a barrier with a forklift truck.
- If attackers choose the West Spawn on the first round, a real time cut-scene will reveal their operator picks to the defending team.
- The map's killhouse was based on elements from Hereford Base and Oregon
- The map allowed defenders to throw a Nitro Cell onto the top of the vent in the center of the roof, killing anyone rappelling down the middle of the platform.
- The Stadium is featured in the short: The Tournament of Champions.
- Players start each match from the viewpoint of Capitão as he and the other Captains enter the area.
- The Basement of the map features a white board with photos of the real life teams that have won every Six Invitational since 2017.
- The winning team of the match is displayed holding up Six Invitational medals during the end screen.
- Based on the signage in the basement, the south section of the map is based on Coastline while the east section of the map is based on Border. The west section of the map is based on Coastline and Border.
- Red and blue color coating is used to denote Coastline elements while green and yellow color coating is used to denote Border elements.
- As an Attacker, drones can drive into a vent in the stands on the west side of the stadium where they can drive through a small chute and find a hidden room with a statue of Tachanka posing in a dilapidated structure.