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Storm Spiker is a Codex featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Extraction. It was introduced in a patch on March 16th, 2022 and is unlocked by default.


Storm Spiker Codex

INDEX Analysis:
The Storm Spiker is a variant of the Spiker, a bipedal Archaean with two specialized upper appendages. (QUERY: bilateral asymmetry)

Primary appendage can fire energy projectiles with homing capabilities. Projectiles can be destroyed mid-flight, or explode on contact. Also used in CQB. (Query: close-quarters combat)

Secondary appendage appears to be armored with carapace. Similar Spiker behavior: appendage used to partially shield the cephalic area. (QUERY: attack posture)

Assessing Storm Spike projectiles: Mid-flight course correction indicates telekinetic connection between Archæan and volley of projectiles. Requires more data. (Cross-ref: Tracking, Archaean communication) Propulsion mechanics are unknown. (INSERT: Tachanka - Big crazy bullet... It's nothing.)

Assessing effects of detonation: Higher destructive power and larger area of effect than Spiker projectiles. Results in concussive damage within targeted area. (QUERY: tactical implications) (INSERT: Tachanka - O.K. It's something...)

Expanding on implications of defensive posture: Raised shielding appendage to protect side of their head. Adapted behavior from Spiker. (QUERY: tactical implications) Absorbs energy from the ground (Cross-ref: Parasite Ecosystem) to "reload" primary appendage.

Make use of cover in Parasite Ecosystem and follow with counter attacks.

Expanding on tactical implications: Storm Spikers provide window of opportunity when regenerating homing projectiles. Head area is exposed, vulnerable to attack.
