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Triangulation is a Codex featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Extraction. It is unlocked by completing the Triangulation objective during an incursion.


Triangulation Codex

Triangulation Protocol Guidelines:
REACT Incursions are directly threatened by persistent tremors within the Sub-Zones. In order to protect REACT's sensitive equipment and its ability to effectively contain the Parasite, this protocol is a primary directive class level Alpha.''

REACT Geophysical has previously deployed sensors and subsurface probes at specific locations in the environment. Seismic modeling has made it possible to determine the approximate epicenter of tremor events within a given window of time. (INSERT: Mira - With help from INDEX.)

Operator(s) must locate multiple seismic stations within the Chimera biome to initiate the sensors. This action must be done in a specific sequence and within a limited time frame. Completing the Triangulation protocol successfully will interrupt the tremors.

Substrate borne vibration signals indicate active movement of the Parasite within the Chimera's root system. The Parasite appears to have the ability to withstand an enormous amount of pressure at depths nearing the earth's mantle. However, the activation of REACT probes will temporarily interrupt this movement.

Assessing effect of unpredictable subterranean Chimera activity: Coincides with seismic activity across the planet. May indicate that the Parasite has spread below ground. Extent unknown, but estimation is significant.

INDEX research recommendation: Parasite depth + tolerance of maximum atmospheric pressure + deep-earth hydrocarbon deposits.
